Tuesday, March 11, 2014

White Fang Bites the Stage with Deep Rock Music!

Frontman Erik Gage and Guitarist Kyle Handley with bassist Izak

–these are the boys who make up the WHITE FANG band, from Portland, Oregon. The music scene in Portland has been active and very creative. Bands can create music all by themselves, it is like a ‘Do It Yourself’ haven for music fanatics. More so, they are likely to be populated by young bands and music enthusiasts.

Portland has been known to be a very liberated and open minded among states.  Having long hours of coldness due to snow times, these young bloods stayed at home and tried their creative minds to do the trick. White Fang band leader Eric Cage whose the founder of Gnar Tapes, thinks that everybody in Portland seems to be always on the go and up to doing creative projects. Go at http://punkpedia.com
to read the rest of the story about White Fang.

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