Iron Maiden created some noise later this year when they were falsely accused of using torrent data to plan live shows and generate revenue. It has been reported that Iron Maiden had used the data analysis by Musicmetric, an entertainment forecasting startup that analyzes BitTorrent and social media, to plan their future shows. The analysis shows Latin America as having the most data traffic where their music is so popular. Speculations then came up that the band planned to tour South America specifically Brazil and do a series of shows and they were not disappointed with the outcome as the tour generated a considerable amount of revenue.
In a later development, Musicmetric PR head, Andrew Teacher, stated that they never worked directly with the band. It seemed that Iron Maiden came up on a report naming the bands company, Iron Maiden LLP, as UKs fastest growing company in the London Stock Exchange. This notion then channels Muscimetric to further analyze as they were sort of the old entries compared to newer ones in the list. They found out that the band did generate a lot of traffic via BitTorrent as their music is so popular due to their successive and intense tourings. This fact shows how many throngs of fans they have got out there. To read the full article about Iron Maiden visit
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